Passionate people and extraordinarily skilled dogs responding to missing person incidents, nationally and internationally
About Arizona Search Track & Rescue
In the event of a missing child or loved one, the public has come to expect immediate response coupled with modern search management techniques from local agencies.
In Arizona and throughout the nation, trained Search And Rescue (SAR) teams and (SAR) dog teams have consistently proven themselves as a valuable resource to the emergency services community and local law enforcement agencies when confronted with searching urban, wilderness and desert areas as well as locating victims of drowning.
Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. (AZ STaR) was formed to provide to the public, trained airscent and trailing dog/handler teams to assist in locating lost or missing persons. AZ STaR also has dog/handler teams specially trained in Alzheimer’s, cadaver and evidence searches.
Thank You!
/0 Comments/in Blog Public /by KristiThe Hope for Dylan Redwine Organization would like to thank the many people and agencies that participated in the most recent search for Dylan to include but not limited to the following:
La Plata County Sheriff’s Office; Durango Police Department; Bayfield Marshal’s Office; Dept of Homeland Security; U.S.Forest Service; La Plata Search & Rescue; La Plata Mounted Patrol; AZSTAR K-9 teams (Arizona); members of the Southwest Drug Task Force; Necro Search; Upper Pine Fire Protection District; Durango Fire & Rescue Tactical Team; anthropologists and archaeologists from Fort Lewis College; FBI. A truly collaborative search effort by all involved.
Pounding the Ground
/0 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Public /by KristiAZ STaR and our sister group Find Me have participated in filming some of what we do. Check us out by watching the “sizzle reel” which depicts us working an actual search
In the News
/0 Comments/in Blog Public /by Kristi