Passionate people and extraordinarily skilled dogs responding to missing person incidents, nationally and internationally
About Arizona Search Track & Rescue
In the event of a missing child or loved one, the public has come to expect immediate response coupled with modern search management techniques from local agencies.
In Arizona and throughout the nation, trained Search And Rescue (SAR) teams and (SAR) dog teams have consistently proven themselves as a valuable resource to the emergency services community and local law enforcement agencies when confronted with searching urban, wilderness and desert areas as well as locating victims of drowning.
Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. (AZ STaR) was formed to provide to the public, trained airscent and trailing dog/handler teams to assist in locating lost or missing persons. AZ STaR also has dog/handler teams specially trained in Alzheimer’s, cadaver and evidence searches.
/0 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Public /by KristiCONGRATULATIONS to the Winners of the raffle prizes and thank you to everyone that supported AZ STaR by purchasing raffle tickets or making donations. Your generosity will help us to continue our mission of SAVING LIVES!
Diamondbacks Suite for 18 – Shannon Yates (ticket #0508)
Shooters World –
Family Membership – Sam Glickman (ticket #0132)
Single Membership – Jeff Sawner (ticket #0515)
YETI Tundra 45 Cooler – Cale Zimmer (ticket #0522)
Samsung 32 LED TV – Aladreth Nelson (ticket #0349)
Vortex Diamondback Binoculars – Carie Pogue (ticket #0375)
YETI Baseball Hat – Carrie Stubblefield (ticket #0221)
Killer Women TV Series Airs
/2 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Public /by KristiPilot episode of the Killer Women TV Episode airs Tuesday, January 7th at 9:00 pm on ABC Channel 15. Additional episodes air on subsequent Tuesdays at 9:00 pm on ABC Channel 15 (for Phoenix Valley Residents). Poirot and Thor are in what we were told is Episode 6. There have been quick clips of them on the previews of upcoming episodes.
Killer Women Preview “staring Poirot & Thor” Search Dogs with Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc.
Crime Time Radio with Vito Colucci and AZ STaR Members, Kristi Smith & Kathleen Sylvester
/0 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Private, Blog Public /by KristiJoin us for Crime Time Radio with Vito Colucci and AZ STaR Members, Kristi Smith and Kathleen Sylvester originally aired on Sunday, October 6, 2013 on numerous radio stations locally, nationally and internationally. Radio Interview with Vito Carlucci, Kristi Smith & Kathleen Sylvester