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Public Information
In the event of a missing child or loved one, the public has come to expect immediate response coupled with modern search management techniques from local agencies.
In Arizona and throughout the nation, trained Search And Rescue (SAR) teams and (SAR) dog teams have consistently proven themselves as a valuable resource to the emergency services community and local law enforcement agencies when confronted with searching urban, wilderness and desert areas as well as locating victims of drowning.
Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. (AZ STaR) was formed to provide to the public, trained airscent and trailing dog/handler teams to assist in locating lost or missing persons. AZ STaR also has dog/handler teams specially trained in Alzheimer’s, cadaver and evidence searches.
AZ STaR has certified air-scent, trailing, cadaver/human remains detection search dogs and search dogs specially trained for water work. AZ STaR also has additional dogs and their handlers in training as well as multiple search management and support personnel. AZ STaR also has many expert resources available, through a sister organization, “FindMe“. FindMe is comprised of highly trained and vetted Psychic’s, Law Enforcement Personnel trained in investigations, Aircraft and their pilots specializing in Aerial Search and Photography, Linguistic Specialists, and many other specialized services to aid in the investigative process of locating your missing loved ones.
AZ STaR provides educational programs to adults and children to teach them basic and vital survival skills to ensure their safety in wilderness and desert settings through our AZSTaR (Arizona Survive Train and Rescue) Program. If you would like to get more information or schedule an AZSTaR Program, please contact us at training@azstar.org.