Passionate people and extraordinarily skilled dogs responding to missing person incidents, nationally and internationally
About Arizona Search Track & Rescue
In the event of a missing child or loved one, the public has come to expect immediate response coupled with modern search management techniques from local agencies.
In Arizona and throughout the nation, trained Search And Rescue (SAR) teams and (SAR) dog teams have consistently proven themselves as a valuable resource to the emergency services community and local law enforcement agencies when confronted with searching urban, wilderness and desert areas as well as locating victims of drowning.
Arizona Search Track and Rescue, Inc. (AZ STaR) was formed to provide to the public, trained airscent and trailing dog/handler teams to assist in locating lost or missing persons. AZ STaR also has dog/handler teams specially trained in Alzheimer’s, cadaver and evidence searches.
2024 Annual “Paws of Life” Raffle
/0 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Public /by Kristi2024 Paws of Life Raffle Event
The Paws of Life Annual Raffle event will end on March 24th with drawing for all prizes at 2 pm at the 2024 Game & Fish Expo at Ben Every Shooting Range in Phoenix. Get your tickets by emailing your name, phone number and email (along with numbers of tickets desired) to Payment may be made in person or via Zelle to
We will fill out your tickets and either mail/email/text you a picture of them. We will be selling the tickets all day on the 23rd and up until raffle time on the 24th at the 2004 Game & Fish Expo. Come meet us as well as some of the Search and Rescue dogs.
Raffle ticket flyer
WANTED! A Few Good Men and Women! Search Dogs too!
/0 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Private, Blog Public /by KristiWANTED:
Have a desire to wander through the desert under the stars, at night, looking for clues and/or missing persons.
Would like to wander through the desert carrying about 30 lbs. of gear and water.
Don’t mind being woke up at 1:00 am for a search call-out.
Can pack enough gear into 2 large bags for 4 days in the mountains or desert.
Can brush your teeth, put on make-up and comb your hair with your signal mirror.
Can cat-nap anywhere, through any noise, under any conditions (rain or shine).
Know how to make a tent with a garbage bag and a piece of rope.
Would like to be part of a Team effort and enjoy working with Dogs.
Can and would climb any mountain to get reception to make a phone call.
Your definition of a fun time is seeing what you can survive.
If you think that you meet any of the requirements above, AZ STaR is looking for you. Please contact us via our Contact Us Page or by calling 844-429-7827.
We look forward to hearing from you!
State of the Art Search and Rescue Services offered in solving missing person cases
/0 Comments/in Announcements, Blog Private, Blog Public /by KristiAZ STaR proudly works many cases with “FindMe” a specialized group of highly trained Psychics, law enforcement Investigators, Forensic Analysts, Linguistic, Handwriting and Body Language experts, Pilots and aircraft specializing in aerial search and photography and many more specialized services that allow us to offer the most comprehensive and state of the art search and rescue services to assist families and Law Enforcement Personnel in solving missing person cases.